The Forest, 2020 |

Maze, 2019 |

Maze, 2019 |

Stair Maze,

The Forest, 2019 |

Maze with rrock, 2019 |

Passsage, 2018 |

Maze with Candles,
2018, digital print. |

2018, triptych, digital print. |
Illusionist Maze, 1992-93, Liberty Science Center,
Jersey City U.S.A. |
Octogonal room in illusionist maze.
1989, Expotec, Montreal. |
Illusionist Maze, 1990, Images
du Futur, Montreal. |
Sections from three mazes made of walls, mirrors and
patterns, created in 1989, 1990 and 1993.
Mirrors were strategically positioned to produce
illusions of complicated environments.
These photos show deceiving spaces.